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Hands Holding Wooden Plate

Serving Our Community

In addition to being available for hall rentals, our facility provides much-needed space to the local Sarasota Knights of Columbus to host  many charitable and fraternal programs and activities which serve the local community.


Knights of Columbus

Columbus Banquet Hall is the home corporation of Our Lady of Victory Council #3358 of the Knights of Columbus. Our Sarasota, Florida facility provides much-needed space to conduct council meetings and for so many charitable and fraternal programs and activities which serve the local community.

Thanksgiving Feed the Hungry

Each year, we prepare and serve a Thanksgiving Dinner for the homeless, the needy, the lonely, and anyone else who would like to enjoy a delicious wholesome meal in the company of others on Thanksgiving Day.  This past year, volunteers worked five continuous days leading up to Thanksgiving Day, on which we served 217 meals in our Hall, delivered 228 meals to the homebound, and prepared 72 meals for take out, for a total of 517 meals. Then several trays of turkey and trimmings were picked up and delivered to the Homeless, feeding over 100 more people. Leftovers were delivered to the Salvation Army Kitchen in Bradenton with more than enough for over another 100 people. By the end of the event, we prepared and served enough food for over 800 people.  


Baltimore Orioles Spring Training Concessions

Each year we send 20 volunteers to work a concession stand at every one of the 20-or-so Baltimore Orioles Spring Training games at Ed Smith Stadium.  We receive back a percentage of our sales which we then give out to several charities.

Laps for Life Road Race

The Laps for Life Annual 5k Run-Walk is hosted by Our Lady of Victory Council of the Knights of Columbus.  
The event typically takes place late September or early October from 7:30am to 11:30am, at Nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota.  Runners and walkers are welcome.  All proceeds to benefit the My Choice Pregnancy Center of Sarasota.


Lenten Fish Fry

The Sarasota Knights of Columbus serve a Fish Fry Dinner each Friday during Lent from 4:30 to 7pm, open to the public.  This is a fun event at a great value, and it helps the Sarasota Knights of Columbus raise money for local charities.  

Fraternal Events

From St. Patrick's Day to Oktoberfest, and from Valentine's Day to the Kentucky Derby to Christmas, our members regularly gather at the Hall with their families to celebrate our fraternal bond.


Tootsie Roll Drive

When you see Knights in yellow vests that read “Helping People with Intellectual Disabilities,” we are part of an annual, national campaign to raise money for children and adults with disabilities.  All funds raised go directly to charities serving this cause, which may include the Special Olympics and Sarasota's St. Mary's Academy for children with special learning needs, among others.

The Columbus Association of Sarasota, Florida, Inc.

d/b/a Columbus Banquet Hall

4880 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, FL  34232


Tel: 941-500-2090  |  Email:

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